Hawzah News Agency –The 35-person group of male and female students enjoyed religious speech of professors of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences including Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi Baigi, associate professor and board member of the university.
Pointing to the existence of God's proof on earth, he said: “The first man was proof of God by himself and the story continued after him. There has never been a time in human history during which the earth was empty of God’s proof.”
He added: “According to our religion, the highest and most perfect messenger of God is Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and there has been no other prophet after him; everything that is necessary to guide human beings has been brought by the Prophet (pbuh) of Islam”.
“End of prophethood and revelations does not mean end of proof of God; rather, the reason for each of which is different. We believe Imam Mahdi (AS) was born and he has a physical emergence. God has given him long life so that he could reappear at a proper time and does what he is supposed to do”, he added.
Mousavi Baigi went on to say: “Philosophically and theologically speaking, when a person becomes perfect in this world, death befalls on him. Imam Mahdi’s perfection is not for him but for the evolution of creation and people”.
He evaluated boosting wisdom and knowledge of God’s religion as a duty heavier than simple religious duties. “Imam Mahdi (AS) wants knowledgeable and wise Shia Muslims in his absence.”
According to him, the worst and biggest oppression against Imam Mahdi (AS) is committed by some Muslims who misrepresent him and have misconceptions about his reappearance.

A group of Turkish university students have paid a visit to Imam Reza holy shrine and Razavi University of Islamic Sciences during an academic tour of Iran and the shrine city of Mashhad.
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